Author: Stacy Callender

Stacy Callender is a member of UUJXN who has served in various leadership roles. She currently leads Religious Exploration for children. She serves on the Ministry Council, CALM Council, and Leadership Development Council.

June 7: The Dissonance of Forward Motion

9:30 a.m.  Forum – LGBTQ Equality Efforts in Mississippi, facilitated by Denise Donnell, Human Rights Campaign 11:00 a.m. Worship – “Indigo: The Dissonance of Forward Motion” with Rev. Justin McCreary Two steps forward and one step back describes an obnoxious phenomenon in humanity. As Unitarian Universalists we assert peace, liberty, and justice, but it seems like with every move forward … Continue reading June 7: The Dissonance of Forward Motion

May 23: Bridging Ceremony

9:30 a.m.  Forum – The Mountain School, facilitated by Katie Morse-Gagné 11:00 a.m. Worship – “Bridging Ceremony” Bridging—transitioning from youth into adulthood—is important not only in the life of an individual, but also in the life of a family and a faith community. As youth prepare to enter young adulthood, they are opening the door for new experiences and … Continue reading May 23: Bridging Ceremony