Join the Side with Love campaign.

Side with Love is a public advocacy campaign sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Association that seeks to harness love’s power to stop oppression. This campaign promotes intersection justice by providing resources for taking action at a local and national level, educating yourself and others on justice issues, and upholding our values in worship.

Take Action
Educational Resources

30 Days of Love campaign

Every year between Martin Luther King’s Day and Valentine’s Day, UUs learn and take action together to promote social justice as part of the 30 Days of Love Side with Love Campaign. The focus differs every year; however, the campaign supports intersectional justice.

In 2025, the focus will be Inhabiting Our Freedom Dreams, drawing inspiration from Robin D.G. Kelley’s Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination. Each week resources will be provided focusing on a spiritual theme that overlaps with one of the Side with Love campaign intersectional justice priorities:

Resources will be provided weekly, including practices, prayers, and stories for your whole family.