Date(s) - 09/24/2022
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Unitarian Univeralist Church of Jackson
Join Phoenix of the Grove chapter of CUUPS for a New Moon Meditation. We will join together, set intention, raise energy, and have fellowship in person and online as we celebrate the wheel of the year.
New Moons are portals for birthing new ideas, planting seeds of intention, and beginning again. If we tune in and allow the New Moon’s energy to infuse with our own, we will find ourselves to dream of all that we hope for and set intention to create the reality we seek.
This celebration will be family friendly, as always, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
This meeting will be held both in person and online. All in person attendees are required to abide by all safety protocols (e.g., masking, social distancing) as required by UUJXN at the time of the meeting. Please attend in the method best for you.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 969 3373 4840
Passcode: CUUPS
One tap mobile: +13126266799,,96933734840#,,,,*867140#