Harvest the Power: Developing Lay Leadership

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Date(s) - 10/02/2022
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

UUJXN - Large Classroom


For both new and experienced leaders, this series enriches and deepens leadership skills and the Unitarian Universalist faith journey of leaders.

  • 1: Leadership Journey: This workshop serves as an introduction to the Harvest the Power program, presenting key concepts and inviting participants to share their own leadership stories.
  • 2: From “I” to “We”: This workshop focuses on the relationships that are the center of our congregations, beginning with a deeper exploration of covenant. Participants examine their congregational culture to discover which voices and perspectives are at the center of congregational life, which are on the margins, and why that matters.
  • 3: Are We Doing the Right Things?: This workshop introduces the idea of turning points—times when events or circumstances lead one’s life in a new direction. After identifying personal turning points, participants consider conditions that can lead a congregation to and through a turning point.
  • 4: Caring for Ourselves and One Another: This workshop helps participants consider how they care for themselves as leaders and how they encourage and model self-care for other members of the congregation. Participants reflect on the causes of personal stress and burnout and on their own responses to stress.
  • 5: Integrity: This workshop invites participants into challenging territory. The activities explore the stresses that are part of the fabric of the life of our congregational community. Participants name and embrace that which sustains and grounds them, and learn how this self-knowledge can help them lead from a place of creativity
  • 6: Faith and Conflict: In this workshop, participants practice looking at the structures, committees, and formal and informal groups of the congregation as an inter-related, interconnected system. They will identify relational and emotional patterns within the congregation as they examine congregational changes and challenges.

hybrid in-person and virtual class

Attendees are encouraged to participate in person as you are able. Please see our policy for in person attendance.

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