Heart Circle for UUJXN

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Date(s) - 03/27/2025
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm



A practice in the Radical Faerie movement has been that of Heart Circles. It is a time when a group of individuals come together to  share from the heart and whose mere presence is support.

There are some ground rules:

  1. When someone is speaking, everyone remains muted.
  2. There is no requirement to speak. Your mere presence is affirming for those in the circle.
  3. We are not trying to fix another participant’s words or thoughts.
  4. We are here to listen and to be heard.
  5. All emotions and feelings are valid.
  6. There is no talisman or talking stick to be passed. However, each of you may bring a talisman that is important to you that
    you may hold while you are speaking.
  7. We will use the “raise hand” function in Zoom.
  8. Periods of silence (long or short) are perfectly OK and valid.
  9. In the UU tradition, we will remember our covenants with each other. At the discretion of the lead person, you may be removed from the room for any violation in covenant.
  10. Speak from the position of “I,” “I feel,” I believe.” (First person singular).
  11. Don’t speak for other people.

We will close the room ten minutes after we begin. This helps those in the circle to be fully present for everyone during the hour together.

We will open the Zoom room for members and friends of our congregation only. If you have a person who wishes to attend that we might not know but you trust, please notify Snowdancer before the  Heart Circle.

Unitarian Universalist Church of Jackson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: UUJXN Heart Circle
Time: Nov 14, 2024 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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