This Sunday, we will hold our first Action Church event!
We will begin with our opening rituals, including a welcome and chalice lighting, then break into multigenerational activities. At the end, we will all come back together and share about our activities and experiences with the whole church.
This Sunday’s activities are:
- Meditative sound bath (a meditative experience where you will be “bathed” in sound waves from gongs, singing bowls, chimes, and other percussion instruments), led by Eric and Sue
- Protest sign-making, led by Stacy
- Open discussion, led by Snowdancer
We’re looking forward to engaging with you this Sunday!
If you aren’t able to attend in person, you may attend online via Zoom: [Meeting ID: 915 8401 7613].
Note: For this service, we will open breakout rooms for individuals to participate in the various activities.
If you are attending online, please also fill out our Online Visitor Book.
You may also participate via phone by calling: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago), +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston), +1 360 209 5623 US or +1 507 473 4847 US [Meeting ID: 915 8401 7613]
Topics: Action, Self Care, Social Justice, Spiritual Practice