Blending of the Waters 2021

drops of water

Blending of the Waters, our Water Communion, is a long a standing tradition at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Jackson. It represents the season of Ingathering, a time of return from summer breaks and the beginning of a new church year. It is a time to share about our recent journeys, physical or metaphysical, and to renew our commitment to one another. We are not just blending waters we’ve gathered from places we’ve traveled; we are pouring from ourselves into the collective waters of the church. We are renewing our commitment of time, talents, and treasure to the life of the congregation.

Last year, we asked you to store your water, whether on an altar or in a cupboard, so we could blend them upon our return together. Sadly, another season of Ingathering has come, but our time to be together in-person still awaits us in the future.

So, this year we ask you to bring your waters to the church. For those who are local, there are small vials set outside the door of the church. Please fill the vials with your waters from this year and the past year, marking them with your name. During our Sunday service, all these waters will be blended together in our water communion ceremony. After the livestreamed service, attendees will have an opportunity to share stories of hope represented in the water shared.

If you are unable to share water in time, symbolic water will be used during the service; however, we will continue to add your water to our historic collective waters.

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