Jazz Brunch


Come join us for a Sunday of relaxing jazz, tasty food, and stimulating conversation!

Brunch will be potluck style. Please sign up at Perfect Potluck to bring items to share: casserole, hash browns, eggs, sausage, vegan options. Not a cook, now worries! You can bring fruit, ready-made pastries, or paper goods.

Please note the earlier service time as we will begin setting up at 10:30 a.m.

This will be an in person service. Attendees are encouraged to participate in person as you are able. Please see our policy for in person attendance. You are welcome to join us at 10:30 am for setup and socializing!

If you are unable to attend in person, you may participate online via Zoom at 10:30 am (Central). Fix a meal at home and grab your favorite morning beverage. Then listen and socialize live: https://zoom.us/j/91584017613?pwd=K1FhUXloMTBJdTRZN2NGZ3Y3VFNTZz09

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