We celebrate Martin Luther King Jr Day with a multigenerational service. Come, share with us what this means for young and old alike.
Bring some items for a Continental style breakfast: rolls, bagels, donuts, etc., along with toppings. We do not have a way to heat things or to keep them cool, so make it light finger foods.
All Sunday services at Unitarian Universalist Church of Jackson are in person on Sundays at 11:00 am CST.
NOTE: Our sanctuary is currently being renovated. Until further notice, services will be held in the warehouse building. At present, it is best if people park on the West Street side of the warehouse building, and enter in the very humble glass and metal door. Please reserve paved parking close to the entrance for those with mobility issues.
Press the gold button to exit the warehouse.We have a gas heater in the building that can keep the area warm. It has a tendency to overheat the area, so we will be conservative with heating. We are asking people to wear layers or bring a jacket just in case it is too warm or cool until we get the hang of the archaic system.
The door of the sanctuary building behind the metal balustrades will be secured by mag lock only during services to allow people access to the bathrooms (ground level by the balustrades or up the stairs at the nursery entrance). We will post the mag lock code inside the building for people to see in person only. Please do not share it via email, social media, website, etc.
If you aren’t able to attend in person, most services will be available online via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/91584017613 [Meeting ID: 915 8401 7613].
If attending an online service, please also fill out our Online Visitor Book.
You may also participate via phone by calling: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago), +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston), +1 360 209 5623 US or +1 507 473 4847 US [Meeting ID: 915 8401 7613]
Topics: Holiday, Intergenerational, Social Justice