This fall we will be hosting a special 5-part series exploring the practice of “Rhythmic Breath Control”.
Here the mind will be renewed by breath and focused by music and rhythm. We’ll explore the mechanics of life to become more sensitive to life. In each session, you will learn to use your breath effectively to handle stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, chronic fatigue, etc. We’ll also explore the spiritual dimension of the breath. These teachings come from the ancient practice of Yoga of Sound.
This will be an in-person service. Attendees are encouraged to participate in person as you are able. Please see our policy for in person attendance.
You are welcome to join us at 10:30 am for coffee, snacks, and socializing!
If you are unable to attend in person, you may participate online, including our virtual Coffee Social, via Zoom at 10:30 am (Central). Grab a cup of coffee (or your morning beverage) and chat with our online and in person community. Then watch the service live:
Meeting ID: 915 8401 7613
Passcode: UUJXN
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+13017158592,,91584017613#,,,,*066914# US (Washington DC)
+13126266799,,91584017613#,,,,*066914# US (Chicago)
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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 915 8401 7613
Passcode: 066914
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Topics: Music, Self Care, Special Service, Spiritual Practice, World Religions