Summertime and the Livin is Easy

Ice cream sundae with chocolate syrup, cookies, nuts, and cherries

As we enter summertime, let us be about renewal. And how will that take shape? Well, how about:

  1. Reclaim – Renewing our spirits by reclaiming the right to joy,
  2. Re-Embody – Renewing our spirits through nature and our physical being,
  3. Refresh – Renewing our spirits through gratitude,
  4. Reconnect – Renewing our spirits through community,
  5. Refreshment – Renewing our spirits through ice cream!

Each describes a different way our faith guides us toward a renewal of spirit. Join us for an exploration of renewal and a Sundae Social!

Fun fact: Did you know that a Unitarian minister in 1892, in Ithaca, NY, is credited with naming the Sundae?!

If you are unable to attend in person, you may participate ONLINE.

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