Speaker: Rev. Justin McCreary

The Dollars and Cents of Creating Community

Please join us this Sunday for a hybrid service led by Rev. Justin McCreary! You may attend in person if you’ve been vaccinated and are willing to wear a mask. Please contact Rev. Justin McCreary through email or Facebook to reserve your seat. Otherwise, you may attend virtually using the online meeting information below. When … Continue reading The Dollars and Cents of Creating Community

The Punk Rock Nature of Vulnerability

I know what you’re thinking: “Justin’s going to talk about Punk Rock, and I don’t like Punk Rock!” Don’t worry; I’m not. But I will say this, Punk Rock and the Punk movement is about being counter-cultural. It’s about NOT fitting in. As I research this sermon on the monthly theme of cultivating relationships, I … Continue reading The Punk Rock Nature of Vulnerability

Blending of the Waters 2021

Blending of the Waters, our Water Communion, is a long a standing tradition at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Jackson. It represents the season of Ingathering, a time of return from summer breaks and the beginning of a new church year. It is a time to share about our recent journeys, physical or metaphysical, and … Continue reading Blending of the Waters 2021