Topic: Holiday

MLK Jr. Day

We celebrate Martin Luther King Jr Day with a multigenerational service. Come, share with us what this means for young and old alike. Bring some items for a Continental style breakfast: rolls, bagels, donuts, etc., along with toppings. We do not have a way to heat things or to keep them cool, so make it … Continue reading MLK Jr. Day

Special Intergenerational Halloween Potluck

We will have a brief exploration of seasonal customs and traditions, and play a few games. Wear your festive clothes/costumes and bring harvest-inspired dishes – corn, potatoes, winter squash, pumpkin, or scary treats. Sign up at PerfectPotluck. This will be an intergenerational CUUPS service. We will also take up an offering for the UUSC ( … Continue reading Special Intergenerational Halloween Potluck

Mabon / Fall Equinox

Mabon is one of the eight major annual sabbats or festivals. It celebrates the Fall Equinox when day and night are in equal balance. Also referred to as Harvest Home, the Feast of the Ingathering, and Meán Fómhair, Mabon is the second celebration of the harvest. It is a ritual of thanksgiving for the fruits … Continue reading Mabon / Fall Equinox