Memorial Day
Join us as we celebrate Memorial Day together. Bring stories or memories to share of those you have lost in service to our country. This will be a brunch service. Please bring a dish to share.
Join us as we celebrate Memorial Day together. Bring stories or memories to share of those you have lost in service to our country. This will be a brunch service. Please bring a dish to share.
How do you celebrate Mother’s Day? Let us tell stories about the mothers in our lives or the great mothers was have all known that we consider extended family or ancestors.
It’s May Day – we’ll do a May Pole with the kids then have an intergenerational follow-up to a fun day. This will be an in-person service. Join us at 10:30 am for coffee, snacks, and socializing! Please join us in person if you are able. See our policy for in person attendance. Sign up … Continue reading A Celebration Of Beltane