Topic: Paganism

Equinox: Fruits of the Harvest

Join us as we celebrate Mabon, a time of year where balance occurs. We begin to look forward to the final harvests and celebrations that will occur before the end of the year. We will also celebrate those who choose be part of a Naming/Renaming/Identity-Affirming Ceremony.

A Celebration Of Beltane

It’s May Day – we’ll do a May Pole with the kids then have an intergenerational follow-up to a fun day. This will be an in-person service. Join us at 10:30 am for coffee, snacks, and socializing!  Please join us in person if you are able. See our policy for in person attendance. Sign up … Continue reading A Celebration Of Beltane

Imbolc: The Wakening of Persephone

Imbolc, also called Saint Brigid’s Day, is a Gaelic traditional festival that marks the beginning of spring. For Christians, it is the feast day of Saint Brigid, Ireland’s patroness saint. It is held on 1 February, approximately halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Historically, its traditions were widely observed throughout Ireland, Scotland, … Continue reading Imbolc: The Wakening of Persephone