Topic: Religion


This year, Ramadan is expected to begin at sundown on Sunday, March 10, and end at sundown on Tuesday, April 9. The final evening of Ramadan consists of a celebration called Eid al-Fitr, when the traditional month-long fast is ended with a feast. While there are many aspects to Ramadan, our lens today focuses on … Continue reading RAMADAN: CHANGING OUR ATTENTION


November is a time of making sure the harvest is stored and realizing that Mother Earth, the Great Gaia, Earth Mother is thanked and given special due as we head into darkest night. ThanksGaia, ThanksGrieving, ThanksGiving — a great three-in-one. We will thank Mother Earth and celebrate her Goddess, Gaia; we will grieve over attrocities … Continue reading ThanksGaia!