Topic: Social Justice

May Action Church

This Sunday, we will hold our May Action Church event! We will begin with our opening rituals, including a welcome and chalice lighting, then break into multigenerational activities. At the end, we will all come back together and share about our activities and experiences with the whole church. We’re looking forward to engaging with you … Continue reading May Action Church

April Action Church

This Sunday, we will hold our April Action Church event! We will begin with our opening rituals, including a welcome and chalice lighting, then break into multigenerational activities. At the end, we will all come back together and share about our activities and experiences with the whole church. We’re looking forward to engaging with you … Continue reading April Action Church

March Action Church

This Sunday, we will hold our March Action Church event! We will begin with our opening rituals, including a welcome and chalice lighting, then break into multigenerational activities. At the end, we will all come back together and share about our activities and experiences with the whole church. If someone is willing to lead a … Continue reading March Action Church