Topic: Social Justice


With recent protests and calls for reform, the nation and the world have their eyes upon us, the societal marginalized people. We have called upon the powers that be to change the status quo that we will no longer stay quiet and laws must change. Don’t stop children! We must not let this train slow … Continue reading Vision

Soapbox Sunday 2020

Join us for our annual special Sunday service to celebrate independence day and freedom of speech. Take your turn on the Soapbox to share any topic you wish to discuss. All are welcome and encouraged to speak their minds! This service will be held virtually. Join us at 10:30 am for Virtual Coffee Time to … Continue reading Soapbox Sunday 2020

This is America: A Reflection on the Response to COVID-19

On May 5, 2018, the Rapper Childish Gambino (Donald Glover) released the song “This is America.” The next day there were news articles about the song. The song and video reflect on a vision of America that many people discount–one of consumerism, gun violence, and race. The imagery, in vision and word, reveals a reality … Continue reading This is America: A Reflection on the Response to COVID-19