Topic: Theme: Imagination

Earth Day Intergenerational Celebration

This Sunday, we will hold an intergenerational service celebrating Earth Day. After service, we will hold our monthly Brunch/Potluck. For May, please bring your favorite international foods as we celebrate the diversity and abundance of our Earth. If you aren’t able to attend in person, you may attend online via Zoom: [Meeting ID: 915 8401 7613]. … Continue reading Earth Day Intergenerational Celebration

The Imagination of Mothers

This Sunday, Rev. Jim Snowdancer Becker will introduce the monthly theme of the practice of imagination and lead us in celebrating mothers, motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. Note: The children will participate in the opening rituals and then attend the children’s religious exploration class. If you aren’t able to attend … Continue reading The Imagination of Mothers

Brunch Church/Crafts Sunday: Vision Boards – Capturing Your Essence in the New Year

Kat Kalika will lead us in creating collage Vision Boards. BRING MAGAZINES, PUBLICATIONS, PAPERS, IMAGES, ETC., THAT YOU CAN CUT UP. Everyone has something that they want to bring to life. But what if you can’t really see it? If you don’t have a vision and you’re struggling to pinpoint what you want and where you … Continue reading Brunch Church/Crafts Sunday: Vision Boards – Capturing Your Essence in the New Year