Topic: Unitarian Universalism

Renee Rosenfeld: A Brief Biography of a Jackson Unitarian

In the lead up to celebrating our 71st Anniversary on September 7, 2022, Dr. Tom Kersen will present an overview of one of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Jackson lively ancestors. Renee Rosenfeld was a liminal person who lived on the edge for much of her life. Many of the hippies and others of the … Continue reading Renee Rosenfeld: A Brief Biography of a Jackson Unitarian

An Oasis In The Desert

This Sunday, our good friend Rev. Edie Love will share about why she is and remains a Unitarian Universalist and how important it is we protect and support Mississippi UU churches. Rev. Love is a Unitarian Universalist minister who feels her calling is to work towards love and justice. She is the founder of the … Continue reading An Oasis In The Desert