Topic: UUCJ History

Renee Rosenfeld: A Brief Biography of a Jackson Unitarian

In the lead up to celebrating our 71st Anniversary on September 7, 2022, Dr. Tom Kersen will present an overview of one of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Jackson lively ancestors. Renee Rosenfeld was a liminal person who lived on the edge for much of her life. Many of the hippies and others of the … Continue reading Renee Rosenfeld: A Brief Biography of a Jackson Unitarian

Are You Sanpaku?: Counterculture Foodways in Jackson, Mississippi

This Sunday we will explore the intersection of counterculture and food by looking at the role of key figures and institutions that shaped alternative food culture in Jackson, Mississippi. The cast of characters include Rene Rosenfeld, John Deming, Jr. of Life Call Holy Foods, Edge City, Grits & Greens, Rainbow, and Footprint Farms. The message will … Continue reading Are You Sanpaku?: Counterculture Foodways in Jackson, Mississippi

Stone Soup 2021

This Sunday we will celebrate our traditional Stone Soup service. Stone Soup is a story about a community coming together for a common good. The Unitarian Universalist Church of Jackson has been telling this story on the week before Thanksgiving for years. This service will be live and simple, involving the telling of the tale … Continue reading Stone Soup 2021