UUCJ is launching an exploratory group to build a Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) chapter in Jackson. The launch meeting, February 1 at 12:30 p.m., is the first of six initial planned community-building discussions and group-created ritual. We gather to mark the ancient holiday of Imbolc with new beginnings. Join us as we lay the foundation for a covenant-based group for earth-based/ecstatic practitioners and their allies.
Like most UUs, we want community but we value individual sovereignty even more. Your full identity, your questioning mind, and your expansive heart lends strength.
CUUPS is an organization dedicated to networking Pagan-identified Unitarian Universalists (UUs), educating people about Paganism, promoting interfaith dialogue, developing Pagan liturgies and theologies, and supporting Pagan-identified UU religious professionals. Chapter activities may include discussion groups, ritual groups, teaching circles, and worship services for UU congregations. Visit CUUPS on the web at www.cuups.org.